
Domingo de Pentecostés

may 19, 2024
The mission of the Holy Spirit is celebrated on Whitsun. Special customs on Whitsun developed, which are similar to the customs of May. A Whitsun tree is planted in some parts of Lower Saxony. On this occasion, bachelors like to place a birch tree on the house wall of their sweetheart. In the Bergisches Land, there is the tradition of "Pfingstsingen", where male choral societies go from door to door to proclaim the Whitsun greetings. They collect small gifts for that. The traditional "Coopers Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake" takes place in England. They are rolling down a cheese loaf down the hill and the participants then run after it and the first on the foot of the hill wins the cheese.

Domingo de Pentecostés fechas

Estas son las fechas y días de semana del feriado Domingo de Pentecostés en los próximos años.
may 19, 2024

jun 8, 2025

may 24, 2026

may 16, 2027

jun 4, 2028

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